Free clinics and community health centers in Juneau

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Juneau. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information

Juneau Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Ethel Lund Medical Center
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (907) 463-4040
    • Details: We are pleased to be your medical provider of choice and encourage you to use this guide as a resource to help you and your family navigate ELMC’s clinics and find information about our services. As part of the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC), ELMC in Juneau provides medical services in its state-of-the-art building, with a large-scale renovation completed in 2021. Our clinic’s namesake, Ethel Lund, was one of the nine women that founded SEARHC in 1975. She first served on the Board of Directors, and then as Board President until 2000. She continues today as the President Emeritus. With a strong belief that building healthy families requires integration of cultural practices, traditional medicines and foods, Mrs. Lund has provided dedication, leadership and a profound commitment to advance SEARHC into a nationally recognized tribal healthcare organization. Today, through her efforts and those of many others, SEARHC operates a regional hospital and provides a full array of health services that benefit all Southeast Alaska residents. Ethel Lund Medical Center proudly serves the community of Juneau in Southeast Alaska.
  • Front Street Clinic
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (907) 364-4565
    • Details: The Front Street Clinic is proud to be the only Federally Qualified Health Center in Juneau. We offer General Primary Care Services comprised of Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health. Behavioral Health services include medication assisted addiction services, all on a Sliding Fee Schedule and accept most insurances including Medicaid.
  • Front Street Clinic (lemon Creek)
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (907) 463-0650
    • Details: The Front Street Clinic is proud to be the only Federally Qualified Health Center in Juneau. We offer General Primary Care Services comprised of Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health. Behavioral Health services include medication assisted addiction services, all on a Sliding Fee Schedule and accept most insurances including Medicaid.
  • Jamhi Salmon Creek Clinic
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (907) 463-3303
    • Details: We are pleased to provide these services: Community housing and support services for adults with severe mental illness throughout the community. Whole-person evidence-based addiction and mental health treatment services, including 24/7 crisis response and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), all meeting access timeliness, quality of care, staffing and care coordination criteria at our Salmon Creek Clinic and at JAMHI Family. Quality primary physical health care services to ANYONE in the community who needs affordable healthcare at our Salmon Creek Clinic.
  • Juneau Dental Clinic
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (907) 463-4041
    • Details: Dental healthcare at SEARHC includes routine pediatric and adult hygiene and periodontal services, comprehensive orthodontic services, total oral wellness of teeth gums, tongue and mouth tissues. Juneau Dental Clinic proudly serves the community of Juneau in Southeast Alaska.
  • Planned Parenthood - Juneau Health Center
    • Location: Juneau, AK - 99801
    • Contact Phone: (800) 769-0045
    • Details: Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai'i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky (PPGNHAIK) is a leader in reproductive health care, rights, and education in Alaska, Hawai'i, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky and Western Washington. We are unwavering in our belief that all people deserve high-quality, affordable health care. We're tireless in our efforts to provide education and information so people can make their own health decisions. We proudly fight for people to be able to get the sexual and reproductive health services they need. We do all of this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthy lives.

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