Free clinics and community health centers in Rogers
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Rogers. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Rogers Medical and Dental Clinics:
Community Clinic Rogers Dental
- Location: Rogers, AR - 72758
- Contact Phone: (855) 438-2280
- Details: Our conveniently located dental clinics are dedicated to providing top-notch oral care to individuals and families in the heart of Rogers. From routine cleanings and preventive treatments to cosmetic dentistry and restorative procedures, our skilled dental professionals are committed to delivering a range of services tailored to your unique needs. We understand the importance of a healthy and confident smile, and our advanced technology and compassionate approach ensure you receive the best care possible.
Community Clinic Rogers Medical
- Location: Rogers, AR - 72756
- Contact Phone: (479) 636-9235
- Details: At Community Clinic, we believe healthy people create healthy communities. With a team of experienced healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, we provide a wide range of services, from routine check-ups to specialized treatments. Our commitment to the community goes beyond medical assistance - we prioritize building lasting relationships, fostering trust, and promoting a holistic approach to health.
Samaritan Dental Clinic
- Location: Rogers, AR - 72756
- Contact Phone: (479) 636-0451
- Details: Samaritan Dental Clinic is here to help uninsured adults whose household incomes fall below 200% of the Federal poverty level. If you’ve ever had a toothache and couldn’t get in to see a dentist right away, you now have a glimpse of the long-term pain many of our clients endure. The difference is, most insured adults are able to see a dentist within a day or two when there is an emergency while uninsured adults may wait months or even years living in pain. We are the only full-service charitable dental clinic in Northwest Arkansas. Serving uninsured adults who cannot afford to purchase dental care, our clinic utilizes both volunteer and staff dentists and hygienists to provide a full range of dental services to our patients.
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