Free clinics and community health centers in Burbank

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Burbank. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information

Burbank Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • All For Health, Health For All #3 - General Practice Clinic
    • Location: Burbank, CA - 91502
    • Contact Phone: (818) 748-1740
    • Details: All For Health, Health For All (AFH) Community Health Center is proud to have been delivering access to the highest quality health and human services to the medically underserved and indigent communities in the County of Los Angeles for over twenty years. AFH is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation with a Federally Qualified Health Center [FQHC] designation under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act; it is also a contracted partner with the Los Angeles Department of Health Services. Since it initially opened its doors in 1990 as Broadway Family Medical Center, All For Health, Health For All has grown and consistently reinvented itself to meet the ever-changing needs of the community. With seven locations presently operating in three different cities, our services have expanded from general family practice including pediatric care to mental and behavioral health, as well as adult day health ca¬¬re services. All For Health is proud of the invaluable services that we have been able offer to our community and we are always striving to raise the bar even higher by reinventing the role of community clinics for the betterment of our patients’ lives. As a community-based provider of quality health care services, we recognize and respect the importance of our community’s health care needs. At AFH, our patients always come first. Our medical model is designed to deliver patient-centered care through an integrated delivery system for the whole family. Our systems are state of the art, and we utilize modern equipment, such as Electronic Health Records, that allows us to provide optimum care for the patient and their medical needs. Moreover, our clinic makes thorough use of the patient-physician relationship and enforces the integrative medicine model, which on wellness and the maintenance of good health. Our patients are more than just users of our services; they are apart of AFH’s governance structure. More than fifty-one percent of our Board of Directors is made up of current AFH patients. AFH prides itself on the quality of care delivered by its premier health care professionals.
  • All-inclusive Community Health Center
    • Location: Burbank, CA - 91504
    • Contact Phone: (818) 843-9900
    • Details: A non-profit Community Health Center whose mission is to increase access to health-care and other social services for under-served populations in Burbank and surrounding communities, including but not limited to Los Angeles, Glendale, North Hollywood, Pasadena, Tujunga, Van Nuys, Sunland and San Fernando communities of greater Los Angeles County. All-Inclusive Community Health Center’s (AICHC) quest is to promote increased access to health-care, social services and education, by creating linkages between community-based & faith-based organizations, businesses, educational & governmental institutions and health-care facilities.
    • Remarks: AICHC has 3 sites located in Burbank, Eagle Rock and Northridge. Burbank: 1311 N San Fernando Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504; (818) 843-9900; Hours M-F 8am-5pm, every other Saturday from 9am-2pm. Eagle Rock: 3920 Eagle Rock Blvd, Ste A Los Angeles, CA 90065; (323) 255-5225. Northridge: 17114 Devonshire St, Ste 200 Northridge, CA 91325; (818) 646-1771. ?>
  • Planned Parenthood - Burbank Health Center
    • Location: Burbank, CA - 91506
    • Contact Phone: (800) 576-5544
    • Details: Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can always come to us for your health care.

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