Free clinics and community health centers in Le Grand

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Le Grand. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information

Le Grand Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Gvhc - Le Grand Dental Clinic
    • Location: Le Grand, CA - 95333
    • Contact Phone: (209) 389-1910
    • Details: Golden Valley Health Centers (GVHC) is a Joint Commission-accredited, private, non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center system serving the Central Valley of California with an operating budget of approximately $35 million. Through our community health centers, we provide comprehensive primary medical and dental care to an ethnically diverse population, including migrant and seasonal farm workers, Southeast Asian refugees, and the homeless population of Modesto. GVHC has developed a system of 21 clinical sites and 8 dental sites, including two free-standing Women's health centers, three school-based centers, and a homeless health care program.
  • Gvhc - Le Grand Medical Clinic
    • Location: Le Grand, CA - 95333
    • Contact Phone: (209) 389-1900
    • Details: Golden Valley Health Centers (GVHC) is a Joint Commission-accredited, private, non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center system serving the Central Valley of California with an operating budget of approximately $35 million. Through our community health centers, we provide comprehensive primary medical and dental care to an ethnically diverse population, including migrant and seasonal farm workers, Southeast Asian refugees, and the homeless population of Modesto. GVHC has developed a system of 21 clinical sites and 8 dental sites, including two free-standing Women's health centers, three school-based centers, and a homeless health care program.
  • Gvhc Mobile (3) Medical Van
    • Location: Le Grand, CA - 95333
    • Contact Phone: (209) 628-3198
    • Details: Golden Valley Health Centers (GVHC) is a Joint Commission-accredited, private, non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center system serving the Central Valley of California with an operating budget of approximately $35 million. Through our community health centers, we provide comprehensive primary medical and dental care to an ethnically diverse population, including migrant and seasonal farm workers, Southeast Asian refugees, and the homeless population of Modesto. GVHC has developed a system of 21 clinical sites and 8 dental sites, including two free-standing Women's health centers, three school-based centers, and a homeless health care program.

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