Free clinics and community health centers in Pittsburg
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Pittsburg. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Pittsburg Medical and Dental Clinics:
Dental Care Mobile
- Location: Pittsburg, CA - 94565
- Contact Phone: (925) 431-1250
- Details: La Clinica's Dental Care Mobile began delivering dental services in March 2004. The dental care mobile has two fully-equipped dental operatories and we provide a broad spectrum of dental screenings and oral health care services. We serve children in low-income communities by operating in elementary schools, preschools and youth rehab facilities. Our staff consists of one general dentist, two registered dental assistants, a driver, a scheduling coordinator and a supervisor, all taking great joy in providing services to under served children. We are very happy to put a smile on the faces of children that otherwise might not have access to dental care.
La Clinica Pittsburg - Dental
- Location: Pittsburg, CA - 94565
- Contact Phone: (925) 431-1250
- Details: Since the expansion of La Clinica Pittsburg Dental in 2009, we have doubled in patient capacity and have grown from two dental procedure rooms to 11. We believe access to dental care is a key component of primary health services. We provide a full scope of primary oral health care with a strong emphasis on prevention and education. Recently, we have added several programs to expand our scope of services, and raise the quality of care to our patients. These programs include in house advanced specialty care including on-site specialists in pediatrics, prosthodontic, periodontist, and oral surgery.
La Clinica Pittsburg - Medical
- Location: Pittsburg, CA - 94565
- Contact Phone: (925) 431-2100
- Details: La Clinica Pittsburg Medical was the first health center that La Clínica opened in Contra Costa County in 1999. We offer comprehensive primary care services and referrals to specialty care as needed, many in partnership with John Muir Health or Operation Access. La Clinica Pittsburg hosts a senior day clinic once a month where we offer educational information, screenings and other services for seniors. In 2011 we expanded our health center to include four additional exam rooms which has allowed us to reach more families in Contra Costa County. We are conveniently located near Los Medanos College in a beautiful and quiet community.
Pittsburg Clinic - Rotacare Bay Area, Inc.
- Location: Pittsburg, CA - 94565
- Contact Phone: (925) 439-2009
- Details: RotaCare Bay Area is a volunteer alliance of medical professionals, organizations and community members dedicated to providing free primary, quality healthcare services to uninsured families and individuals with limited ability to pay for medical care. We are volunteer driven and supported solely through locally based philanthropy.
Pittsburg Health Center
- Location: Pittsburg, CA - 94565
- Contact Phone: (800) 495-8885
- Details: Contra Costa Health provides quality outpatient health care services to our community, especially to vulnerable populations.
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