Free clinics and community health centers in Groton
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Groton. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Groton Medical and Dental Clinics:
Catherine Kolnaski Magnet School Sbhc
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 445-2191
- Details: Your school based health center (SBHC) is one of more than seventy similar facilities across Connecticut. The one at your school is a program of Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut, which operates 14 health centers in New London, Groton, Norwich, Stonington, and Waterford. Students in these schools can obtain services such as physicals, minor acute illness care, health promotion and disease prevention education, as well as group, individual and/or family therapy. These centers are licensed by DPH as Outpatient Clinics and are staffed by Certified Nurse Practitioners and Masters-prepared Mental Health Clinicians. SBHCs are familiar venues for children/adolescents as they see and pass by them frequently in their school day. The staff becomes familiar, friendly faces. Parents appreciate the convenience of having their child/adolescent receive health care at the school as it eliminates barriers such as transportation and lack of available or convenient appointments.
Claude Chester Elementary School Sbhc
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 445-2133
- Details: Your school based health center (SBHC) is one of more than seventy similar facilities across Connecticut. The one at your school is a program of Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut, which operates 14 health centers in New London, Groton, Norwich, Stonington, and Waterford. Students in these schools can obtain services such as physicals, minor acute illness care, health promotion and disease prevention education, as well as group, individual and/or family therapy. These centers are licensed by DPH as Outpatient Clinics and are staffed by Certified Nurse Practitioners and Masters-prepared Mental Health Clinicians. SBHCs are familiar venues for children/adolescents as they see and pass by them frequently in their school day. The staff becomes familiar, friendly faces. Parents appreciate the convenience of having their child/adolescent receive health care at the school as it eliminates barriers such as transportation and lack of available or convenient appointments.
Community Health Center Of Groton
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 446-8858
- Details: Established in 1995, CHC of Groton is the health-care home for residents of the town and city of Groton and for residents of surrounding communities to the Rhode Island border. The site offers comprehensive medical services for adults and children.
Fitch Senior High School Sbhc
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 449-7253
- Details: Your school based health center (SBHC) is one of more than seventy similar facilities across Connecticut. The one at your school is a program of Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut, which operates 14 health centers in New London, Groton, Norwich, Stonington, and Waterford. Students in these schools can obtain services such as physicals, minor acute illness care, health promotion and disease prevention education, as well as group, individual and/or family therapy. These centers are licensed by DPH as Outpatient Clinics and are staffed by Certified Nurse Practitioners and Masters-prepared Mental Health Clinicians. SBHCs are familiar venues for children/adolescents as they see and pass by them frequently in their school day. The staff becomes familiar, friendly faces. Parents appreciate the convenience of having their child/adolescent receive health care at the school as it eliminates barriers such as transportation and lack of available or convenient appointments.
Marine Science Magnet High School Sbhc
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 446-9380
- Details: The Community Health Center, Inc. is pleased to offer school-based health services in your child’s school during the school day. Licensed healthcare providers are available to provide expanded medical (treatment for illnesses or injuries, and physicals), behavioral health (individual, group, and family therapy), and dental hygiene (exams, cleanings, and sealants) services. Dental restorative services (fillings, pulpotomys, root canals, removal of baby teeth, stainless steel crowns, local anesthesia, mouth prop, treatment of crooked teeth) may also be provided. School-based health services work in conjunction with the care provided by your child’s pediatrician and/or dentist and are not intended to replace regular care by your child’s primary health-care provider.
Westside Middle School Sbhc
- Location: Groton, CT - 06340
- Contact Phone: (860) 446-1775
- Details: Your school based health center (SBHC) is one of more than seventy similar facilities across Connecticut. The one at your school is a program of Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut, which operates 14 health centers in New London, Groton, Norwich, Stonington, and Waterford. Students in these schools can obtain services such as physicals, minor acute illness care, health promotion and disease prevention education, as well as group, individual and/or family therapy. These centers are licensed by DPH as Outpatient Clinics and are staffed by Certified Nurse Practitioners and Masters-prepared Mental Health Clinicians. SBHCs are familiar venues for children/adolescents as they see and pass by them frequently in their school day. The staff becomes familiar, friendly faces. Parents appreciate the convenience of having their child/adolescent receive health care at the school as it eliminates barriers such as transportation and lack of available or convenient appointments.