Free clinics and community health centers in Parke county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Parke county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Parke Medical and Dental Clinics:
Valley Professionals Community Health Center - Bloomingdale
- Location: Bloomingdale, IN - 47832
- Contact Phone: (765) 498-9000
- Details: Valley Professionals Community Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) dedicated to serving those in need, a concept that is not exclusive to healthcare, but is present in everything we do. Whether a patient, fellow employee, local organization, or member of the community, we believe in rolling up our sleeves and lending a helping hand. Valley Professionals opened its first clinic in Clinton, Indiana in 2008, and has since grown to include six additional clinics in Montgomery, Parke, Vermillion, and Vigo counties, as well as, a Mobile School-Based Health Center that visits local schools.
Valley Professionals Community Health Center - Rockville
- Location: Rockville, IN - 47872
- Contact Phone: (765) 569-1123
- Details: Valley Professionals Community Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) dedicated to serving those in need, a concept that is not exclusive to healthcare, but is present in everything we do. Whether a patient, fellow employee, local organization, or member of the community, we believe in rolling up our sleeves and lending a helping hand. Valley Professionals opened its first clinic in Clinton, Indiana in 2008, and has since grown to include six additional clinics in Montgomery, Parke, Vermillion, and Vigo counties, as well as, a Mobile School-Based Health Center that visits local schools.