Free clinics and community health centers in Todd county.

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Todd county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.

Todd Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Blount Rural Health Center
    • Location: Elkton, KY - 42220
    • Contact Phone: (270) 265-5600
    • Details: We believe we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ. We will provide treatment and care for the sick and needy with respect and compassion. Striving for unity we will work together, accepting challenges and growing as God's people. Together we will communicate, cooperate and collaborate to improve the health of our community.