Free clinics and community health centers in Newton
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Newton. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Newton Medical and Dental Clinics:
Newton Health Care
- Location: Newton, MS - 39345
- Contact Phone: (601) 635-3435
- Details: East Central Mississippi Health Care, Inc. (ECMHCI) was created in 1978 as a non-profit private corporation for the purpose of providing access to primary health care services to rural populations in east central Mississippi. Access to health care for all patients, regardless of income or insurance status, has been made possible over the last 36 years through an annual grant funding process from the Public Health Service. ECMHCI is federally designated as a Program 330 Community Health Center (CHC). ECMHCI has grown from one site to four. Locations include Sebastopol since 1978, Walnut Grove since 1992, Philadelphia since 1995 and Newton since 2015. ECMHCI established access to Pediatrics for the first time to east central Mississippi residents in 1999.