Free clinics and community health centers in Wayne county.

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Wayne county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.

Wayne Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Goshen Medical Center - Community Health Services
    • Location: Mount Olive, NC - 28365
    • Contact Phone: (919) 658-5900
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care. GMC originated in Faison, North Carolina and serves 35,808 patients and has provided over 129,000 medical and dental visits across twenty-eight (28) service delivery locations as per the 2014 HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS) report. While Duplin, Sampson and Wayne counties are the bedrock of the Goshen Medical Center delivery system, areas as far out as Brunswick, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Harnett, Jones, Onslow and Richmond Counties are included in the largest community health center system in the state of North Carolina.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Eastpointe
    • Location: Goldsboro, NC - 27530
    • Contact Phone: (919) 731-4941
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Fremont
    • Location: Fremont, NC - 27830
    • Contact Phone: (919) 242-4382
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Goldsboro
    • Location: Goldsboro, NC - 27534
    • Contact Phone: (919) 739-8680
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Lambert
    • Location: Mount Olive, NC - 28365
    • Contact Phone: (919) 658-2505
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care. GMC originated in Faison, North Carolina and serves 35,808 patients and has provided over 129,000 medical and dental visits across twenty-eight (28) service delivery locations as per the 2014 HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS) report. While Duplin, Sampson and Wayne counties are the bedrock of the Goshen Medical Center delivery system, areas as far out as Brunswick, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Harnett, Jones, Onslow and Richmond Counties are included in the largest community health center system in the state of North Carolina.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Rosewood Dental
    • Location: Goldsboro, NC - 27530
    • Contact Phone: (919) 648-4437
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care. GMC originated in Faison, North Carolina and serves 35,808 patients and has provided over 129,000 medical and dental visits across twenty-eight (28) service delivery locations as per the 2014 HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS) report. While Duplin, Sampson and Wayne counties are the bedrock of the Goshen Medical Center delivery system, areas as far out as Brunswick, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Harnett, Jones, Onslow and Richmond Counties are included in the largest community health center system in the state of North Carolina.
  • Goshen Medical Center - Rosewood Medical
    • Location: Goldsboro, NC - 27530
    • Contact Phone: (919) 648-4435
    • Details: Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization as well as a federally qualified community and migrant health center organization, that has served the residents of eastern North Carolina since 1979. The health center’s mission is to improve the lives of each and every one of our patients through quality health care. GMC originated in Faison, North Carolina and serves 35,808 patients and has provided over 129,000 medical and dental visits across twenty-eight (28) service delivery locations as per the 2014 HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS) report. While Duplin, Sampson and Wayne counties are the bedrock of the Goshen Medical Center delivery system, areas as far out as Brunswick, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Harnett, Jones, Onslow and Richmond Counties are included in the largest community health center system in the state of North Carolina.

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