Free clinics and community health centers in Wilson county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Wilson county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Wilson Medical and Dental Clinics:
Carolina Family Dental Center
- Location: Elm City, NC - 27822
- Contact Phone: (252) 443-7764
- Details: The unmet need for accessible and affordable oral health services in rural North Carolina is overwhelming. For more than two decades, Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc. has recognized and accepted the challenge to include dental care and treatment in its comprehensive scope of service. As early as 1998, Carolina Family Health Centers has offered dental services, beginning with a part-time Dentist and a fold-up, temporary chair. Throughout the next several years, Carolina Family expanded its oral health program and eventually established services delivered from each of its three physical locations. In 2018, a federal grant made possible the opening of a brand new dental facility; Carolina Family Dental Center. The building, located in Nash County beside Harvest Family Health Center, houses 15 operatories with state-of-the-art digital equipment in every room. Several dentists and staff deliver care of the highest quality.
Harvest Family Health Center
- Location: Elm City, NC - 27822
- Contact Phone: (252) 443-7744
- Details: To the North of Wilson in Nash County, a Catholic Nun, Sister Simone Begin’, and a small band of Catholic nuns assisted migrant farm workers and their families with healthcare needs during the growing season. Through the 1980s, Sister Simone worked from a public school and sometimes a tent. She is recognized as the true founder of the Harvest Family Health Center. In the early 1990s, the North Carolina Office of Rural Health and Nash County Health Department donated a triple-wide trailer and staff to create the Nash County Migrant Center. In 1998, Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc. took over the Center, expanded operations to also serve permanent residents of Nash County and became the second site owned and operated by Carolina Family. Due to the success and growth of Harvest Family Health Center, in 2002 and again in 2011, the Center relocated to larger facilities. Today, Harvest Family Health Center is located at 8282 NC Highway 58 South in Elm City.
Wilson Community Health Center
- Location: Wilson, NC - 27893
- Contact Phone: (252) 243-9800
- Details: In the early nineties, the Primary Care Committee was formed in response to economic struggles and barriers to healthcare in Wilson County. Following a year-long study evaluating the issues of concern in Wilson, the Primary Care Committee approached the Duke Endowment and the North Carolina Office of Rural Health for assistance in bringing health services to the City of Wilson. Wilson County supported the effort by providing a facility with a lease payment of $1.00 per year. The community rallied around the cause by encouraging citizens to donate $1.00, which was matched by $5.00 from the Office of Rural Health. From the vision of a small community and the support of local and state resources, the Wilson Community Health Center was born…..a true story of grassroots advocacy in action. The Wilson Community Health Center campus now covers an entire city block near downtown Wilson.