Free clinics and community health centers in Grand Forks
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Grand Forks. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Grand Forks Medical and Dental Clinics:
Spectra Health - Grand Forks Dental
- Location: Grand Forks, ND - 58201
- Contact Phone: (701) 757-2100
- Details: At Spectra Health, our mission is to enhance life through compassionate, quality care. We aspire to make healthcare attainable. Discount programs are available for those who qualify. No person will be turned away due to their inability to pay. Started in 2004 as Valley Community Health Centers, Spectra Health has grown into an award-winning community health center located in Grand Forks and Larimore. Whether you are from our beautiful countryside or an urban center, we strive to understand your needs and provide customized care to you. Recognizing that communities are stronger when working together, we strive to partner and grow together.
Spectra Health - Grand Forks Medical
- Location: Grand Forks, ND - 58201
- Contact Phone: (701) 757-2100
- Details: At Spectra Health, our mission is to enhance life through compassionate, quality care. We aspire to make healthcare attainable. Discount programs are available for those who qualify. No person will be turned away due to their inability to pay. Started in 2004 as Valley Community Health Centers, Spectra Health has grown into an award-winning community health center located in Grand Forks and Larimore. Whether you are from our beautiful countryside or an urban center, we strive to understand your needs and provide customized care to you. Recognizing that communities are stronger when working together, we strive to partner and grow together.
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