Free clinics and community health centers in Shelby county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Shelby county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Shelby Medical and Dental Clinics:
Compassionate Care Of Shelby County
- Location: Sidney, OH - 45365
- Contact Phone: (937) 492-9400
- Details: It all started with a mission: To respectfully provide quality care and hope to Shelby County residents who were falling through bureaucratic cracks in our health care system. As Teresa Ditmer, a Clinical Nurse Specialist, realized her dream and made Compassionate Care a reality, our community witnessed first hand the effects of her efforts. Prior to 2007, there were no free clinics available to people living in Shelby County. Those who lacked adequate private insurance and were not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid had few alternatives. Many who lost their insurance along with their jobs found it extremely difficult and costly to obtain even basic medical care. Thanks to Teresa’s diligence and concern for others, Compassionate Care of Shelby County (CCSC) opened its doors on August 1, 2007, and those who lacked insurance or who were under-insured were no longer left in the dark.