Free clinics and community health centers in Darlington
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Darlington. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Darlington Medical and Dental Clinics:
Free Medical Clinic Of Darlington County - Darlington
- Location: Darlington, SC - 29532
- Contact Phone: (843) 398-0060
- Details: Our Mission Statement: To provide quality healthcare and medications at no cost, to residents of Darlington County who cannot pay for such services and who have no health insurance.
Genesis Health Care, Inc. - Pee Dee Health Care
- Location: Darlington, SC - 29532
- Contact Phone: (843) 393-7452
- Details: The Pee Dee Health Care Center is your one stop for all of your healthcare needs. With the large number of services provided at this location, we can help you and your entire family address any pain and ailments, have lab diagnostics done, and pick up your prescriptions all in one spot.
Hopehealth Bethea
- Location: Darlington, SC - 29532
- Contact Phone: (843) 432-2960
- Details: HopeHealth began providing primary care services at Bethea retirement community in June 2017. This partnership allows HopeHealth to provide convenient care to residents, helping patients maintain their independence, and also to the general public. With services open to the general public, patients are not required to be a resident of Bethea to receive care at HopeHeath at Bethea.
Mcleod Health Darlington
- Location: Darlington, SC - 29532
- Contact Phone: (843) 395-1100
- Details: Serving Darlington County and surrounding communities, McLeod Health Darlington’s inpatient and outpatient services, urgent care and inpatient behavioral health services have made us a cornerstone of this area’s health care for more than 70 years. McLeod Health Darlington offers a variety of services and technology for its patients. Our 23,500 square foot Behavioral Health Services facility houses compassionate professionals dedicated to providing quality care and service. Whatever care you need, we take pride in blending excellent care with a personal touch.