Free clinics and community health centers in Little River
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Little River. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Little River Medical and Dental Clinics:
Little River Medical Center - Little River
- Location: Little River, SC - 29566
- Contact Phone: (843) 663-8000
- Details: Little River Medical Center is strongly committed to improving access to exceptional health services and delivering quality, compassionate care to everyone. We offer a wider range of affordable health and support services for the entire family. We welcome new patients who have Medicaid, Medicare, most commercial insurances, and those who are uninsured. For those without insurance, LRMC staff can assist patients with enrollment in a qualified health plan and our sliding fee program. Our services are available at multiple conveniently located sites throughout Horry County. LRMC offers a medical home for our patients. Also, known as a patient-centered medical home, we provide team-based health care led by your primary care provider in order to provide a complete and personalized health care plan for you with the goal of improving your health and quality of life.
Little River Medical Center - Miles For Smiles
- Location: Little River, SC - 29566
- Contact Phone: (843) 663-8304
- Details: Dental pain is often the reason a child misses school. To make your child’s visit to the dentist as easy as possible, Little River Medical Center offers a school-based mobile dental program, Miles for Smiles. Since 2004, our mobile team has traveled throughout the school year to a number of schools in Horry County.
Stephen's Crossroad Clinic
- Location: Little River, SC - 29566
- Contact Phone: (843) 915-5654
- Services: Family Planning; STD; HIV; WIC Services