Free clinics and community health centers in Huntsville

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Huntsville. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information

Huntsville Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Area Health Center
    • Location: Huntsville, TN - 37756
    • Contact Phone: (423) 663-2920
    • Details: Mountain People’s Heath Councils, Inc. is one of over 1,200 non-profit community-owned health centers in the United States. Community health centers were created to provide primary health care services to communities in need. Health centers are built and run by the communities they serve. Every health center has a local governing board made up primarily of patients of the health center. MPHC makes a difference in Scott and McCreary counties by proving comprehensive service including: internal medicine, family and general practice, laboratory services, x-ray services, family planning, prenatal care, developmental screening, urgent care, immunizations, health education, hearing and vision screening, dental, mental health/substance abuse services and 24 hour call coverage for all of its patients. Proudly serving the healthcare needs of the people of Scott and surrounding counties for more than 40 years, MPHC’s clinics are located in the communities of Norma, Winfield, Huntsville, Elgin, and Oneida. MPHC is very active in the health care community it serves and is working with other local organization to provide the services needed to reduce health disparities in the area.
  • Huntsville Primary Care
    • Location: Huntsville, TN - 37756
    • Contact Phone: (423) 663-9200
    • Details: Mountain People’s Heath Councils, Inc. is one of over 1,200 non-profit community-owned health centers in the United States. Community health centers were created to provide primary health care services to communities in need. Health centers are built and run by the communities they serve. Every health center has a local governing board made up primarily of patients of the health center. MPHC makes a difference in Scott and McCreary counties by proving comprehensive service including: internal medicine, family and general practice, laboratory services, x-ray services, family planning, prenatal care, developmental screening, urgent care, immunizations, health education, hearing and vision screening, dental, mental health/substance abuse services and 24 hour call coverage for all of its patients. Proudly serving the healthcare needs of the people of Scott and surrounding counties for more than 40 years, MPHC’s clinics are located in the communities of Norma, Winfield, Huntsville, Elgin, and Oneida. MPHC is very active in the health care community it serves and is working with other local organization to provide the services needed to reduce health disparities in the area.

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