Free clinics and community health centers in Newport
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Newport. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Newport Medical and Dental Clinics:
Cherokee Health Systems - Newport
- Location: Newport, TN - 37821
- Contact Phone: (423) 623-5301
- Details: Cherokee Health Systems is committed to ensuring every Tennessean has access to effective, high-quality care. We don’t think anything should stop someone from getting the care they need, and that’s why we make our services available to anyone who needs them. We offer a wide array of comprehensive health services, including primary care, behavioral health, dental, and pharmacy. All of our services are available to children, adults, and seniors who have coverage through private insurance plans, coverage through state programs like TennCare or CoverKids, and those who have no insurance coverage. We proudly offer sliding-fee scales to those who meet certain household size and income guidelines.
Cherokee Health Systems - Newport Grammar School Clinic
- Location: Newport, TN - 37821
- Contact Phone: (423) 623-4893
- Details: Cherokee Health Systems is committed to ensuring every Tennessean has access to effective, high-quality care. We don’t think anything should stop someone from getting the care they need, and that’s why we make our services available to anyone who needs them. We offer a wide array of comprehensive health services, including primary care, behavioral health, dental, and pharmacy. All of our services are available to children, adults, and seniors who have coverage through private insurance plans, coverage through state programs like TennCare or CoverKids, and those who have no insurance coverage. We proudly offer sliding-fee scales to those who meet certain household size and income guidelines.
Rural Medical Services Inc. - Cosby Center
- Location: Newport, TN - 37821
- Contact Phone: (423) 487-2222
- Details: Rural Medical Services, Inc. (RMS) is a Community Health Center serving the people of Cocke and Jefferson Counties, Tennessee and surrounding areas. RMS has five primary care clinics which are conveniently located in Newport, Cosby, Parrottsville, Grassy Fork and Chestnut Hill. Our comprehensive health services are available in both Spanish and English and include prenatal care and delivery at the newly renovated Birthing Center at the Tennova Newport Medical Center. Our other services include integrated behavioral health, well child checks, immunizations, family planning, diabetes education, case management, care coordination and sick care. At RMS we care for the entire family and strive to ensure that each patient is able to access the services they need.
Rural Medical Services Inc. - Newport Center
- Location: Newport, TN - 37821
- Contact Phone: (423) 623-1057
- Details: Rural Medical Services, Inc. (RMS) is a Community Health Center serving the people of Cocke and Jefferson Counties, Tennessee and surrounding areas. RMS has five primary care clinics which are conveniently located in Newport, Cosby, Parrottsville, Grassy Fork and Chestnut Hill. Our comprehensive health services are available in both Spanish and English and include prenatal care and delivery at the newly renovated Birthing Center at the Tennova Newport Medical Center. Our other services include integrated behavioral health, well child checks, immunizations, family planning, diabetes education, case management, care coordination and sick care. At RMS we care for the entire family and strive to ensure that each patient is able to access the services they need.
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