Free clinics and community health centers in Ivydale
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Ivydale. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Ivydale Medical and Dental Clinics:
Community Care Of Big Otter (big Otter Clinic)
- Location: Ivydale, WV - 25113
- Contact Phone: (304) 286-4200
- Details: Community Care of Big Otter is conveniently located just off Exit 40 of Interstate 79. This site offers an array of medical services including comprehensive primary care and chronic disease management for the entire family. This location also has several healthcare programs to assist you with your medical needs. For acute non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses, Community Care of Clay offers extended hours on weekday evenings and is open Saturday and Sunday. CCWV can also meet your pharmacy needs at Primary Care Pharmacy. The pharmacy participates in the 340B discount drug program for CCWV patients. The CCWV chronic disease management model provides for a complete range of on-site services for comprehensive patient care. The mix of CCWV’s medical providers and nurses provide assessment and education so patients (and their families) better understand their illnesses and what they can do to help themselves, including any referrals for additional care that may be necessary. CCWV’s Care Managers and the patient’s medical provider work closely together to give the patient the best care management possible. As part of this expanded care management assessment, the health history of all patients is reviewed to assure that each has been screened for chronic conditions including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, weight management, physical activity, and asthma. Other risk factors, such as pregnancy, co-morbid conditions, or family history of disease, are also assessed. CCWV offers family planning services and participates in BCCSP. For children, immunization are available through the VFC program and private insurances. Our state-of-the-art Electronic Health Record (EHR) and a team of healthcare professionals are focused on chronic disease management and quality care outcomes throughout their system of Community Health Centers. Our EHR enables the medical providers to quickly access and manage clinical information such as medical history, progress notes, laboratory results, diagnostic imaging, medication orders, and clinical consultations.