Free clinics and community health centers in Lincoln county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Lincoln county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Lincoln Medical and Dental Clinics:
Bridge Clinic Merrill Dental Clinic
- Location: Merrill, WI - 54452
- Contact Phone: (715) 539-8181
- Details: Bridge Clinic opened its doors in 1995 to provide comprehensive medical care to the underserved, underinsured, self-pay, and insured population of Marathon County. The Dental Department opened a year later in 1996 to provide dental care in Marathon County. In 2008, the dental services expanded to include offices in Merrill and Antigo, Wisconsin which serves Lincoln, Langlade, Forest and Oneida Counties. In 2009, Bridge Clinic expanded its Wausau building to accommodate the increasing need in our community. This new area created more room for a counseling department, patient education (prenatal and diabetes), legal guidance through the Medical Legal Partnership formed in collaboration with Judicare, and a confidential area for patients to talk with a Patient Financial Advocate. Bridge Clinic expanded our dental facility in 2013, and now has 27 dental operatories and is continuing to expand its services. In 2014 Bridge Community Health Clinic received the Wausau Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year award in the non-profit category. Bridge Clinic was also reviewed by the Health Resources Services Administration in 2014, and received the best possible result from that visit. Bridge Clinic remains an extremely high quality source of health, dental, and behavioral health care for the community, employing only the best mission-driven individuals, and ensuring that everyone has access to care.