Free clinics and community health centers in Lompoc
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Lompoc. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
Lompoc Medical and Dental Clinics:
Chc - Lompoc
- Location: Lompoc, CA - 93436
- Contact Phone: (805) 737-1169
- Details: Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Inc. (CHC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit network of community health centers serving the residents of California's Central Coast. Conveniently located throughout San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara counties, our committed team of healthcare professionals are dedicated to maintaining your health and well-being. We offer fully accredited Medical, Dental and Chiropractic care as well as Health Education and Specialty Care.
Lompoc Health Care Center
- Location: Lompoc, CA - 93436
- Contact Phone: (805) 737-6400
- Details: Lompoc Health Care Center offers a full array of health and wellness services for infants, children, adolescents, adults and seniors. Our dedicated and caring staff of professionals have collectively over 500 years of service with the Lompoc Health Care Center. We take great pride and joy in serving the health care needs of our community.
Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Health Care For The Homeless - Bridgehouse (lompoc)
- Location: Lompoc, CA - 93436
- Contact Phone: (805) 735-4390
- Details: Santa Barbara County has long been home to people experiencing homelessness and the Public Health Department has been providing services through the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program since 1988. There are approximately 6,250 people experiencing homelessness in the county and the program provided essential health care to 4,573 people in 2012. Access to health care is provided through coordinated outreach integrated with an elaborate and effective clinic system. Our system has three Health Care Centers located within homeless shelters, six Public Health Department Health Care Centers and five non-profit community clinics that collaborate to serve all areas of the County. Medical outreach is an important method of removing barriers to health care for those who are experiencing homelessness. The field service team consists of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) stationed in thirteen homeless shelters and transitional living centers. The nurses provide triage care and make referrals to the Health Care Centers and shelter-based clinics for those needing additional care.
Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Health Care For The Homeless - Mark's House
- Location: Lompoc, CA - 93436
- Contact Phone: (805) 735-9980
- Details: Santa Barbara County has long been home to people experiencing homelessness and the Public Health Department has been providing services through the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program since 1988. There are approximately 6,250 people experiencing homelessness in the county and the program provided essential health care to 4,573 people in 2012. Access to health care is provided through coordinated outreach integrated with an elaborate and effective clinic system. Our system has three Health Care Centers located within homeless shelters, six Public Health Department Health Care Centers and five non-profit community clinics that collaborate to serve all areas of the County. Medical outreach is an important method of removing barriers to health care for those who are experiencing homelessness. The field service team consists of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) stationed in thirteen homeless shelters and transitional living centers. The nurses provide triage care and make referrals to the Health Care Centers and shelter-based clinics for those needing additional care.
Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Health Care For The Homeless - Victory Outreach
- Location: Lompoc, CA - 93436
- Contact Phone: (805) 737-9968
- Details: Santa Barbara County has long been home to people experiencing homelessness and the Public Health Department has been providing services through the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program since 1988. There are approximately 6,250 people experiencing homelessness in the county and the program provided essential health care to 4,573 people in 2012. Access to health care is provided through coordinated outreach integrated with an elaborate and effective clinic system. Our system has three Health Care Centers located within homeless shelters, six Public Health Department Health Care Centers and five non-profit community clinics that collaborate to serve all areas of the County. Medical outreach is an important method of removing barriers to health care for those who are experiencing homelessness. The field service team consists of Public Health Nurses (PHNs) stationed in thirteen homeless shelters and transitional living centers. The nurses provide triage care and make referrals to the Health Care Centers and shelter-based clinics for those needing additional care.