Free clinics and community health centers in San Pedro
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in San Pedro. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
San Pedro Medical and Dental Clinics:
Harbor Community Health Centers - General Care Clinic
- Location: San Pedro, CA - 90731
- Contact Phone: (310) 547-0202
- Details: Harbor Community Health Centers is a trusted provider of state-of-the-art health services for men, women, and children throughout San Pedro, CA, and the surrounding Los Angeles and South Bay areas. Our mission is to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare, and supportive services to those in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. Founded more than 50 years ago on the belief that every person of every age and income level should have access to healthcare, Harbor Community Health Centers is dedicated to providing cutting-edge healthcare services for residents of the San Pedro area, including preventive options like routine, school and sports physicals, immunizations, ob/gyn care, and health screenings, as well as treatment of both acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. Begun as the “storefront” Harbor Free Clinic in 1970, today the clinic features two locations in San Pedro - a general care clinic and a location dedicated to pediatrics. At Harbor Community Health Centers, patients have access to a comprehensive array of advanced healthcare options, including physical exams, immunizations, health screenings, management of chronic illnesses like asthma and diabetes, family planning services including birth control options, and screening and care for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In addition, the clinic offers access to psychotherapy and other mental health options as well as full obstetrics and gynecological care and pediatrics services to help children stay healthy from birth all the way through their teen years. Harbor Community Health Centers welcomes new patients from San Pedro and throughout the Los Angeles and South Bay areas, providing skilled, compassionate care in a relaxed setting, and the clinic's practitioners speak both English and Spanish. Harbor Community Health Centers is incorporated as a 501(c)(3).
Harbor Community Health Centers - Pediatrics
- Location: San Pedro, CA - 90731
- Contact Phone: (310) 547-0202
- Details: Harbor Community Health Centers is a trusted provider of state-of-the-art health services for men, women, and children throughout San Pedro, CA, and the surrounding Los Angeles and South Bay areas. Our mission is to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare, and supportive services to those in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. Founded more than 50 years ago on the belief that every person of every age and income level should have access to healthcare, Harbor Community Health Centers is dedicated to providing cutting-edge healthcare services for residents of the San Pedro area, including preventive options like routine, school and sports physicals, immunizations, ob/gyn care, and health screenings, as well as treatment of both acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. Begun as the “storefront” Harbor Free Clinic in 1970, today the clinic features two locations in San Pedro - a general care clinic and a location dedicated to pediatrics. At Harbor Community Health Centers, patients have access to a comprehensive array of advanced healthcare options, including physical exams, immunizations, health screenings, management of chronic illnesses like asthma and diabetes, family planning services including birth control options, and screening and care for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In addition, the clinic offers access to psychotherapy and other mental health options as well as full obstetrics and gynecological care and pediatrics services to help children stay healthy from birth all the way through their teen years. Harbor Community Health Centers welcomes new patients from San Pedro and throughout the Los Angeles and South Bay areas, providing skilled, compassionate care in a relaxed setting, and the clinic's practitioners speak both English and Spanish. Harbor Community Health Centers is incorporated as a 501(c)(3).
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