Free clinics and community health centers in Yates county.

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Yates county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.

Yates Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Dundee Dental Health
    • Location: Dundee, NY - 14837
    • Contact Phone: (607) 243-7080
    • Details: As a part of Finger Lakes Community Health, we are champions for our patients. That means we work hard to ensure that you get the quality healthcare services you need, no matter where you live.
  • Keuka College Family Planning
    • Location: Keuka Park, NY - 14478
    • Contact Phone: (315) 536-2752
    • Details: The original mission at FLCH was to serve our region’s agricultural workers. In 2009 we became a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and expanded our services to include everyone in the Finger Lakes region. Today, patients of all incomes, ethnicities and walks of life come to our health center locations. As a FQHC, Finger Lakes Community Health offers discounts for services, regardless of a patient’s insurance status, based on income and household size. We listen. We take time with our patients. And we get to know you. This philosophy lies at the heart of everything we do, and we practice it every day.
  • Mosaic Health Rushville
    • Location: Rushville, NY - 14544
    • Contact Phone: (585) 554-4400
    • Details: In 1970, the Rushville Health Center opened in response to a growing need of underserved groups who had little to no access to primary care. The Center served the surrounding communities of Geneva, Canandaigua, and Penn Yan. Rushville Health Center boasts a rich history. It was: Started by volunteers who ran the health center out of a small house six months out of the year; All supplies and equipment were donated for the first few years; Able to remain open year round in its fifth year of operation; A source of free care for low-income families until 1982 when it began billing for services and seeing anybody who needed care; Moved to its current location in 1996 after the community raised $600,000 for the cause; Where a large migrant population received care for many years. Today, Mosaic Health Rushville, located at 2 Rubin Drive, continues to provide medical and dental care to generations of patients and families from across the Finger Lakes Region. Many of Rushville’s patients serve the region’s robust tourist and agricultural industries.
  • Penn Yan Community Health - Dental Center
    • Location: Penn Yan, NY - 14527
    • Contact Phone: (315) 536-2024
    • Details: We provide personal, individualized care with an emphasis on wellness and prevention. Our providers believe that listening is the best medicine. We get to know your goals and concerns so that we can deliver the best care for you and your family.
  • Penn Yan Community Health - Medical Center
    • Location: Penn Yan, NY - 14527
    • Contact Phone: (315) 536-2752
    • Details: We provide personal, individualized care with an emphasis on wellness and prevention. Our providers believe that listening is the best medicine. We get to know your goals and concerns so that we can deliver the best care for you and your family.

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