Free clinics and community health centers in Mecklenburg county.

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Mecklenburg county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.

Mecklenburg Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • C.w. Williams Community Health Center, Inc.
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28208
    • Contact Phone: (704) 393-7720
    • Details: Mission Statement: To improve the spiritual, physical and psychosocial status to the residents of Mecklenburg and surrounding counties by providing access to the highest quality comprehensive family health and ancillary services to all regardless of their inability to pay.
  • Camino Clinic (centro De Salud Betesda)
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28262
    • Contact Phone: (704) 596-5606
    • Details: For the past 15 years, Bethesda Health Center has served the underserved in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. Our goal has always been to build a healthy community rather than build a larger patient base. The clinic, however, is only one part of our larger community center and plays a vital role in our larger mission: to equip people to live healthy, hopeful, and productive lives. Oftentimes, our patients don’t realize the many other services that are available to them through Camino Community Center, such as an affordable thrift store, fitness programs, and many economic opportunity services. To connect our clinic to our larger organization, and to connect our patients to our other services, we have decided to change our name to Camino Clinic. We will always love the name Bethesda Health Center and the many people we have been able to help under that name. But, to better serve you and the community, we are now Camino Clinic. Although our name is changing, our heart is not.
  • Charlotte Community Health Clinic University
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28262
    • Contact Phone: (704) 316-6561
    • Details: Charlotte Community Health Clinic’s mission is to provide the highest quality, patient-centered healthcare services for low-income and other underserved individuals. We envision a healthy community where all individuals, regardless of ability to pay, will have access to comprehensive, coordinated healthcare.
  • Charlotte Community Health Clinic West
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28208
    • Contact Phone: (704) 316-6561
    • Details: Charlotte Community Health Clinic’s mission is to provide the highest quality, patient-centered healthcare services for low-income and other underserved individuals. We envision a healthy community where all individuals, regardless of ability to pay, will have access to comprehensive, coordinated healthcare.
  • Lake Norman Community Health Clinic
    • Location: Huntersville, NC - 28078
    • Contact Phone: (704) 316-6611
    • Details: Lake Norman Community Health Clinic (LNCHC) is the oldest and largest medical provider serving the uninsured in Mecklenburg and South Iredell counties. LNCHC provides acute and chronic care and is open five days a week, with evening clinics on Wednesdays. LNCHC not only focuses on prevention and treatment of disease, but in managing healthy outcomes for patients. Lake Norman Community Health Clinic is accredited by the North Carolina Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.
  • Matthews Free Medical Clinic
    • Location: Matthews, NC - 28105
    • Contact Phone: (704) 841-8882
    • Details: Matthews Free Medical Clinic (MFMC) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corp. that provides free, quality healthcare to low income, uninsured patients in Mecklenburg and Union Counties. MFMC is not a walk in clinic. In order to verify the residential and financial requirements are met, patients must go through a new patient screening prior to receiving a primary care provider and other specialty, ancillary and educational services provided by the clinic. Patients must live in Mecklenburg or Union County for at least three months, be at or below 200% of the FPL for their household size and be completely uninsured.
  • Planned Parenthood - Charlotte Health Center
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28205
    • Contact Phone: (704) 536-7233
    • Details: Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can always come to us for your health care.
  • Shelter Health Services
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28206
    • Contact Phone: (704) 334-0000
    • Details: We provide free healthcare to those who need healthcare the most, yet have the least access. Shelter Health Services is a free health clinic providing healthcare and health information to uninsured, medically indigent, homeless women and children living in poverty and staying in the Salvation Army Center of Hope, the region's largest shelter for homeless women and children. All shelter residents may access our free walk-in clinic simply by showing their shelter ID. Lacking money, Medicaid and mobility, for most of our clients, the free clinic is their only source of healthcare.
  • Smith Family Wellness Center
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28205
    • Contact Phone: (704) 910-5810
    • Details: The Smith Family Wellness Clinic (SFWC) exists to be Charlotte’s premiere clinic that offers medical and counseling services in a combined facility for Charlotte families that are facing personal and family struggles and challenges. For many Charlotte families, access to affordable, safe and quality care is difficult and a near impossibility. The SFWC is designed to provide care for medical and counseling needs and exists in connection with holistic family care services provided by the 658 Center. This one of a kind clinic helps address both physical and emotional needs that arise from injury, abuse, addition and trauma for its patients.
  • Teen Health Connection
    • Location: Charlotte, NC - 28211
    • Contact Phone: (704) 381-8336
    • Details: Teen Health Connection is a healthcare practice that provides medical and mental healthcare and prevention and health education services for adolescents ages 11 to 22.

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