Free clinics and community health centers in Meigs county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Meigs county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Meigs Medical and Dental Clinics:
Hopewell Health Centers - Pomeroy Behavioral Health Care Clinic
- Location: Pomeroy, OH - 45769
- Contact Phone: (740) 992-2192
- Details: Our Mission is to provide access to affordable, high quality, integrated health care for all. Our organization offers a wide range of services, which includes comprehensive behavioral health care, dental health care, and primary health care. At HHC, a variety of public and private insurances are accepted in addition to a sliding fee scale for dental health care, primary health care, and some behavioral health care services. Hopewell Health Centers has 22 locations spanning nine counties in Southeastern Ohio. HHC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of patients and individuals from the communities which we serve.
Hopewell Health Centers - Pomeroy Dental And Primary Health Care Clinic
- Location: Pomeroy, OH - 45769
- Contact Phone: (740) 992-0540
- Details: Our Mission is to provide access to affordable, high quality, integrated health care for all. Our organization offers a wide range of services, which includes comprehensive behavioral health care, dental health care, and primary health care. At HHC, a variety of public and private insurances are accepted in addition to a sliding fee scale for dental health care, primary health care, and some behavioral health care services. Hopewell Health Centers has 22 locations spanning nine counties in Southeastern Ohio. HHC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of patients and individuals from the communities which we serve.
Southern Local Schools Wellness Center
- Location: Racine, OH - 45771
- Contact Phone: (740) 949-2348
- Details: In 1978 Wirt County Health Services Association (d.b.a. Coplin Health Systems) was established as a non-profit organization. Since then, Coplin Health Systems has expanded into seven different facilities located in Wirt County, Jackson County, Wood County in West Virginia and Meigs County in Ohio, including three school-based clinics. Coplin Health Systems specializes in primary care services. Our healthcare providers offer a full range of services for the entire family. We provide access to preventative and quality primary care services, as well as acute care services, regardless of one’s ability to pay. We are advocates for children and families, alongside the communities and strive to give them the best possible care.