Free clinics and community health centers in Fredericksburg City county.
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Fredericksburg City county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.
Fredericksburg City Medical and Dental Clinics:
Cvhs - Fredericksburg
- Location: Fredericksburg, VA - 22401
- Contact Phone: (540) 735-0560
- Details: Central Virginia Health Services is a non-profit community health center with Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) status. We started in 1970 as a community based and patient-directed organization focused on providing care to people with limited access to the health services they need. We are committed to and must uphold a high level of care, meeting administrative, clinical, and financial standards as part of responsibility as a FQHC. We offer comprehensive care: medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, and at some sites, x-ray services. The majority of our governing board is made up of our patients – at least 51% of board members must be representative of the patients we serve.
Fredericksburg Counseling Services, Inc.
- Location: Fredericksburg, VA - 22401
- Contact Phone: (540) 373-2320
- Details: Fredericksburg Counseling Services, Inc., (FCS), is a low-cost community mental health clinic. Eligible clients have no insurance or are underinsured. UNDERinsured means having some sort of health insurance coverage, which is deemed inadequate due to lack of comprehensive coverage (e.g., no mental health coverage), lack of providers who accept the patient’s insurance, or the insurance plan has high out-of-pocket costs. Fredericksburg Counseling Services does NOT bill or submit any claim paperwork. All clients, with or without insurance coverage, are self-pay The standard cost for each session at Fredericksburg Counseling Services is $20. This flat fee is to ensure fair an affordable access to mental health care regardless of insurance status or coverage. If in any way this fee amount becomes a hardship, and income eligibility requirements are met, a fee waiver may be granted. Your services will not change as a result of a fee waiver.
Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic
- Location: Fredericksburg, VA - 22401
- Contact Phone: (540) 741-1061
- Details: Mission: To improve the health and wellness of low-income, underserved people through quality healthcare delivered in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.