Free clinics and community health centers in Marin county.

Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in Marin county. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offerring free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information.

Marin Medical and Dental Clinics:

  • Bolinas Community Health Center
    • Location: Bolinas, CA - 94924
    • Contact Phone: (415) 663-8666
    • Details: Founded in 1996, the Petaluma Health Center is a non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) , committed to providing high quality health care with access for all in Southern Sonoma County. PHC has built a strong reputation for it’s innovation and has been on the leading edge of providing comprehensive primary health care in a team based, patient centered system, emphasizing overall wellness and the value of the patient provider relationship. PHC takes a whole person approach to keeping people healthy, providing medical, dental and mental health care services. We encourage patients to take control of their health and wellness by establishing a trusting relationship with their integrated care team.
  • Marin City Health And Wellness Center
    • Location: Marin City, CA - 94965
    • Contact Phone: (415) 339-8813
    • Details: MCHWC was founded in 2006 by a grassroots effort to provide culturally sensitive healthcare for residents of the vicinity. Every day we see and deal with social determinants of health - the reality that a patient’s ZIP code has a greater impact on well-being than their genetic code. Health and wealth are directly correlated, as are illness and poverty. Our services provide wraparound care to make people well. In 2011, we became a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) to provide integrated healthcare to patients using Medi-Cal. Six years later, we became a Patient-Centered Medical Home to expand care and services.
  • Marin Community Clinics - Downtown San Rafael Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - Fourth Street Dental Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - Greenbrae Clinic
    • Location: Greenbrae, CA - 94904
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - Larkspur Clinic
    • Location: Larkspur, CA - 94939
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - North Novato Clinic
    • Location: Novato, CA - 94945
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - San Rafael Campus Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - San Rafael Medical And Dental Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - South Novato Clinic
    • Location: Novato, CA - 94945
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Community Clinics - West San Rafael Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 448-1500
    • Details: Marin Community Clinics has provided compassionate and affordable health care to uninsured and low-income residents of Marin County since 1972. We have grown from humble beginnings where volunteer physicians and nurses saw patients in church basements, to a 21st century provider with modern facilities, expert paid physicians and nurses, the latest technology, and sophisticated diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs. Today, we serve more than 38,000 individuals every year in clinics spread throughout Marin County.
  • Marin Pregnancy Clinic
    • Location: Novato, CA - 94945
    • Contact Phone: (415) 892-0558
    • Details: Marin Pregnancy Clinic is a state-licensed prenatal clinic. We support you in getting the pregnancy care you need. There’s no charge for our services, same-day appointments are usually available, and walk-ins are always welcome. It’s best to begin pregnancy care as soon as you learn you’re pregnant. You can be confident you’ll receive expert care and practical solutions for your health during pregnancy.
  • Planned Parenthood - San Rafael Health Center
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 459-4907
    • Details: Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide.
  • Point Reyes Community Health Center
    • Location: Point Reyes Station, CA - 94956
    • Contact Phone: (415) 663-8666
    • Details: Founded in 1996, the Petaluma Health Center is a non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) , committed to providing high quality health care with access for all in Southern Sonoma County. PHC has built a strong reputation for it’s innovation and has been on the leading edge of providing comprehensive primary health care in a team based, patient centered system, emphasizing overall wellness and the value of the patient provider relationship. PHC takes a whole person approach to keeping people healthy, providing medical, dental and mental health care services. We encourage patients to take control of their health and wellness by establishing a trusting relationship with their integrated care team.
  • Ritter Center Health Center
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 457-8182
    • Details: At Ritter Center, we take a comprehensive, integrative approach to health care and focus on supporting the whole person. Our Health Center provides primary health care services to individuals who otherwise could not afford it, and every client receives a comprehensive treatment plan. Our medical practitioners provide preventative care and address urgent concerns. Rory Rieger, MA, CADC-II, CCTP manages our behavioral health team to provide psychiatry, psychotherapy, and substance use counseling.
  • Rotacare Bay Area, Inc. - San Rafael Free Medical Clinic
    • Location: San Rafael, CA - 94901
    • Contact Phone: (415) 692-0224
    • Details: The San Rafael RotaCare Clinic treats patients with minor illnesses or injuries. Each month specialty clinics are conducted with specialists in dermatology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, psychiatry, and ophthalmology. We operate a Transitional Care Clinic for patients with chronic conditions who meet certain criteria. We also have appointments for consultation with a registered dietician and a diabetes educator. After an initial visit with a RotaCare doctor, referrals will be made to specialists, as appropriate. We do not offer women’s health services.

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