Free clinics and community health centers in La Jara
Below are the listings of free and low cost clinics in La Jara. These clinics can help low-income and uninsured people by offering free and discounted rates for medical and/or dental care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of clinic listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the clinic listing for more information
La Jara Medical and Dental Clinics:
Casa De Oro Adult Day Services
- Location: La Jara, CO - 81140
- Contact Phone: (719) 274-4350
- Services:
La Jara Dental Clinic
- Location: La Jara, CO - 81140
- Contact Phone: (719) 274-8948
- Details: La Jara Dental Clinic was established in 1997 to serve the residents of Conejos and neighboring Costilla counties with quality dental care. La Jara Dental Clinic (LJDC) is located in the Town of La Jara in Conejos County. In 2005 LJDC received a significant renovation to better accommodate dental care needs. LJDC provides General Dentistry services. Our goal is to provide you with information to guide you through your dental health decisions and comprehensive care. We offer diagnostic services like routine exams, x-rays, and dental screening. Restorative care includes both composite and amalgam fillings depending on patient preference and suitability. Preventive care includes routine cleanings, oral hygiene education, fluoride application, and sealants to prevent decay in deep grooves of the molars. We treat the whole family; including babies, children, adolescents and adults. Pediatric services we provide include restorations, space maintenance, preventive care, and Headstart screenings. Sometimes patients will need more than routine care. Periodontal treatment includes deep cleanings called Scaling and Root Planning to stop bone loss from hard deposits and bacteria below the gum. We also offer Oral Surgery services like extractions, surgical extractions, and alveoloplasty (smoothening the bone to prepare for a denture). Endodontic treatment is provided to patients who have a tooth that can be saved, however the tooth has a cavity into the nerve. This is also called a root canal. Prosthetic treatment includes crowns, fixed bridges, complete dentures, and removable partial dentures. Implants may also be an option in specific cases. When specialty dental care is recommended we are happy to help you explore those options. In the event you have a dental emergency, walk-in times are available for evaluation. You could receive same day treatment when appropriate. The Dental Department also has patient support services. Our Patient Navigator staff will help you with planning your treatment priorities, exploring financial options, and follow-up with treatment and referrals. Our Dental Insurance Support staff coordinates dental insurance benefits and pre-authorizations.